I will be giving a presentation titled "The Canoe Builders of the Penobscot" tomorrow at 6:30 PM in the Camden, Maine public library. More information is available at http://www.librarycamden.org/news/8500/“the-canoe-builders-of-the-penobscot”-april-26/#more if you would like to attend. I will also be giving this same presentation at the Maine Canoe Symposium on June 12th. More information is available at http://www.mainecanoesymposium.org/ on their web site.
It also occurred to me that some people here who can't easily get to Maine might be interested and a webinar could be an interesting experiment. Does anyone want to participate and what times would be best: weekday or weekend, mid-day or evening, other suggestions? Please post your thoughts here and we'll see if a consensus emerges. Thanks,
It also occurred to me that some people here who can't easily get to Maine might be interested and a webinar could be an interesting experiment. Does anyone want to participate and what times would be best: weekday or weekend, mid-day or evening, other suggestions? Please post your thoughts here and we'll see if a consensus emerges. Thanks,