Thanks, Rob & Committee


Great Assembly, Great Time, Good Friends - thanks for all your hard work!
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Great meeting all the message board freinds face to face!! Just got in the door and went right to the internet. It was a great time!!!!:)

Well this was my first Assembly and although I was only able to stop in for a couple hours on Saturday, I really enjoyed it.

Everyone was very friendly and very helpful/informative. It was nice to put a face to some of the names on the forum. Even though I've never met any of you, in a short amount of time I felt very welcome.

It appeared to be very well organized and seems like everything was flowing smoothly.

All involved absolutely deserve credit for their hard work. Thanks to everyone who made that happen. I was pleased that I could be there and wished I could have stayed longer. Hopefully in the future, I can spend more time at the Assemblies wherever they are held.

A Great Assembly-- Thanks!

Denis and I had a wonderful time. Our passion for canoes is cranked even higher.

Denis has renewed appreciation for his Richardson.

Nobody looks as you imagine they might.
Nobody looks as you imagine they might.

Oh I dont know, Dan's as shaggy as I remember.

Our passion for canoes is cranked even higher.

No kidding, ribbed a wanigan tonite with a purpleheart stripe and rails.:eek:


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;) dont look at the wayward nail I foolishly tried to pound into the stripe, didnt drill it deep enuf - all is hidden with planking anyways. Cedar was snaky too, even after soaking first.

get thee to Lowes or the Despot and pick up some 3/4" plywood and pine, make a base, draw a nice cross section smaller that your most used canoe, stand them off from each other a comfortable distance and rip the pine into 1" sections, countersink it and use drywall screws to attach to the plywood form ends. Strip it all, fair it and get some steel strapping to go over it. Try and get galvanized steel so doesnt rust, or just cover the steel with packing tape. Dont forget to make a strongback.
Here's the bigger one.


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Wanigans by Andre

As the happy new owner of Andre's recent Canadian Canoe Co. wanigan build, I have to say there's gotta be more to it than what's described. It's a wondeful piece of work, Andre.

Mike H.
too generous

Thanks a bunch Mike,
they're too fun to make. And no bending stems or stretching canvas!!
This evening's efforts, varnish will make it pop - okay, my daughters room is purple:cool:


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Great Assembly, Great Time, Good Friends - thanks for all your hard work!

You're welcome Mike, and others who expressed their appreciation.

To share the accolades where due, this year's WCHA Assembly Planning Committee included;

Annie Burke; Executive Director
Rob Stevens; Program Coordinator, Media Relations & Assembly Promotion
Tom Seavey & Robert Ross; Raffle & Auction
Scott Barkdoll; Construction
Mary Gauld et. al.; Children’s Program
Janet Isabelle; Camping, Crafts & Fun
Jim & Carol Altemus, Local Interests/Attractions & Excursions
Ric Puls; Sherriff of Cedar City (vendors & displays)
Dan Miller, WCHA Board
Jeannie Griffin-Greene; WCHA Store

There are opportunities open for others to get involved. In particular, a Children's Program Coordinator is needed for next year, and Janet Isabelle (a diverse contributor of "Camping, Crafts & Fun" activities) says she will wrap up her tenure next year.

Beyond the occasional external "expert", the majority of the program activities are WCHA members sharing their experience, expertise, talents. So, feel free all to offer one up. Or propose a topic demo/workshop/presentation. Of course, these are easier to follow through on if you provide suggestions and contact info for someone who can lead it.

Thanks to the many people who contributed program activities this year!
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Thank you Rob and Annie for all your hard work.. The variety of activities were quite nice though I wonder where all the kids went..not that that was under your ability to control.. We had a great time with a lot of Stern Women!

Some things went swimmingly and there is always a glitch or two that Rob and Annie have to deal with.. The Auction was loooong..but more importantly it seemed to have raised a significant amount of money for WCHA..though the heat and economy were working against the auctioneers.

I hope that we can return to Paul Smiths though I realize that its a long drive for many of you. I found the paddling opportunities outstanding and even though I have been to many earlier WCHA assemblies there, the new cafeteria and lounge facility is outstanding. My dorm was new at Lower St Regis and the rooms though single had wonderful cooking and dining and living room facilities in each "pod"(Pods had two full baths four single rooms and kitchen, diningarea and living room). Plus they were air conditioned! I really liked that this year..guess I am getting old.
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Of note to those who didn't hear it first hand, next year's Assembly will also be held at Paul Smith's, essentially the same week, July 11-15, 2012. The theme is Old Town canoes (so you can plan your restoration priorities accordingly). Planning has already begun,...
Thank you Rob, Annie, and Committee. Deborah and I had a great time at our second Assembly -- and we expect to come again next year. We know the kind of work that goes into making something like the Assembly run smoothly, and appreciate the time, energy, thought, and hard work you all put in. Well done!
Kate and I had a great time at the Assembly and everyone else I spoke to seemed to be having a good time also. All the credit goes to Rob, Annie and the commitee for a job well done. Annie seemed to be everywhere and always with a smile. I hope you reserved the same weather for next year too. Paul Smith's truly is the perfect place for Assembly, the location to which all others are judged. It's too bad that it's so far removed from the western members making it difficult to get there at $4 a gallon.

Thank you for a great Assembly.

Jim Clearwater
I missplaced/lost a pair of clip on sunglasses at the Assembly. They are in a soft brown case. If anybody picked them up please let me know. Thanks

Jim C.
Next years Assembly

Of note to those who didn't hear it first hand, next year's Assembly will also be held at Paul Smith's, essentially the same week, July 11-15, 2012. The theme is Old Town canoes (so you can plan your restoration priorities accordingly). Planning has already begun,...

Great to hear I am still trying to get my 38 ot hw done. So many things getting in the way. I wanted to go this year but my spending account for the canoe took the travel money LoL. I hope to show my ot sailing canoe. I was the lucky one that bought the ot sail rig that was posted on this forum. Part of the reason I did not make the Assembly this year.Hope to make It next year with my restored ot stay cool Jon K.