Suggestions on ribbed/strip canoe


Future canoe builder
I'm looking into building a cedar strip ribbed canoe. Any help getting started would be appreciated.

This is a design I really like, but know nothing about:


I really like that fact that it's a sailing canoe also. Can most designs be made into a sailing type? I'm also looking for plans and maybe some books to get me started on building molds.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance.
Hello Kunk35,

I believe that the canoe in the picture you posted was built by the “Chantiers Navals ROCCA” in France. See below scans. Another possible builder is H. Lawrence also from France.

Here is a suggestion of a couple of "must read" books;
The Wood & Canvas Canoe by Jerry Stelmok and Rollin Thurlow, CanoeCraft by Ted Moores, and Canoe Rig by Todd Bradshaw.

Dick Persson
Headwater Wooden Boat Shop


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There are not any books that specifically discuss how to build traditional cedar strip canoes. There are a couple of videos of Walter Walker (famous cedar strip canoe builder) that are helpful in learning to build this style. They may be available from the Canadian Canoe Museum. While they don't discuss traditional cedar strip construction, the books Dick mentions are otherwise very good. Just about any open paddling canoe can be made into a sailing canoe. Like everything else, the design will have an impact on performance.

Also look for posts made to this board by canoebuildermark - he has taught himself to build traditional cedar strip canoes and wide board canoes and has posted photos here.