First, great site for researching canoe info - keep up the great work!
I have a 15'6" Square Stern that was restored in 1997 in Maine and the restorer claims it was built around 1947. It has diamond head bolts attaching the thwarts. However, there are no Old Town serial numbers on the forward stem (which could have been replaced during restoration). It has a slightly higher rise at the bow than the Old Town Square Sterns I have seen in pictures. If the true identity of this jumps out at anyone, please let me know. Many thanks.
I have a 15'6" Square Stern that was restored in 1997 in Maine and the restorer claims it was built around 1947. It has diamond head bolts attaching the thwarts. However, there are no Old Town serial numbers on the forward stem (which could have been replaced during restoration). It has a slightly higher rise at the bow than the Old Town Square Sterns I have seen in pictures. If the true identity of this jumps out at anyone, please let me know. Many thanks.