PRIME YOUR ENGINES: The theme for the 2025 WCHA Assembly is MOTORISED CANOES so take the opportunity over the winter to fettle, tune and prime your canoe engine so that it is event ready. Keep an eye on the WCHA social media feeds and main website for further details over the coming months. Do you think that a “ Le Mans” start would work for the canoe races? #woodencanoeheritageassociation #woodboatsofinstagram #oldtowncanoes #motorisedcanoe #chestnutcanoe #canadiancanoeculture #canadiancanoemuseum
Nick, since you seem to be putting most of the pictures up these days, would you consider canoes in art, ie paintings/prints? If so, I have four or five and how do I send them to you?
Nick, since you seem to be putting most of the pictures up these days, would you consider canoes in art, ie paintings/prints? If so, I have four or five and how do I send them to you?
FIND YOUR HAPPY PLACE: Grab a wooden canoe, paddle and go find your Happy Place. Take time, reflect and contemplate. It’s proven that canoeing has both physical and mental benefits. You know it makes sense #woodencanoeheritageassociation #woodencanoe #canadiancanoeculture #canadiancanoemuseum #oldtowncanoes #adirondacks #paulsmithscollege
I FEEL THE NEED.........THE NEED FOR SPEED: If that's your desire then pencil in to come along to the 2025 WCHA Annual Assembly where the theme will be motorised canoes. Paul Smiths College NY in July. Don't get left in the slow lane! #woodencanoeheritageassociation #woodencanoes #adirondacks #paulsmithscollege #canadiancanoeculture #canadiancanoemuseum #oldtowncanoes
SUCCESSION: The smile on this young mans face says it all. By encouraging our children and grandchildren to enjoy wooden canoes and get out into the natural environment our craft and activity will continue to endure. Join the WCHA Family today; you know it makes sense!
MASTERCLASS: Ferdy Goode at work on one of his wonderful birchbark canoes. Through the WCHA you too can hone your craft and skills by interaction with other likeminded folks either through the website, Chapter meetings or at the annual Assembly. Come join the WCHA family at You know it makes sense #woodencanoeheritageassociation #birchbarkcanoe #oldtowncanoes #adirondacks #canadiancanoe #canadiancanoemuseum #oldtowncanoe #adirondacks
COUNTDOWN BEGINS: Surprisingly the 2025 WCHA Annual Assembly is not light years away. Registration and booking for the event opens on April 23rd. Buzz is prepared are you? We can't promise jet packs but with the theme of "Motorised Canoes" you never know!