Snow Paddle


LOVES Wooden Canoes
Went for a paddle at the Lake Washington Arboretum this afternoon. An inch or so of snow fell while I was out. Pretty close to paddling through a blizzard for a while. I looked like a snowman when I got done.

Here are a couple new things I learned today.

1) tie up the boat when you pull out onto snow. I had pulled my canoe 2/3 of the way out of the water onto a snowy beach. Grabbed my basket to haul up to the car, turned around after a couple steps to see my canoe sliding down beach. Only a wide receiver end zone dive saved me from a hypothermic wade after the boat.

2) Slush is heavy and it doesn't drain. I looked pretty silly when I tried to throw my canoe up.

Picture attached


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Paddling during snow season is on my list of things I'd love to do. The river in front of my house doesn't freeze and I know there's at least one kayaker who paddles daily-- it's a very pretty sight to see a colorful boat set against all the white snow. I imagine the paddling-experiance is magical. I am imagining light, fluffy stuff-- not slush!
Winter is the best time to go paddling. There are no bugs, no snakes, no poison ivy, and no drunken inner tubers. :)

It's also best for watching hawks soar, and furry critters are less wary, so you get good views of them as well, with no leaves to block the view of either. It's also a great time to take pictures, as you'll get some shots that only can happen in winter. See attached.


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One of my very favorite things in life is paddling in snowfall- one of the most serene things I've ever experienced. Unfortunately, we have to travel pretty far these day to paddle in snow. The photo below shows, sadly, what life is like in our neck of the woods just now. That's the "Riverboy" out on the water... it would be quite a long portage to the nearest snow!



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Joy, defined...

What a joyous picture, Michael!

Will attach a picture of my house as it looks today, buried in snow. Maybe later this week, we can slide a canoe down to the water...


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Every New Year day, Ralph at Chicagoland Canoe Base in Chicago hosts a paddle on the North Branch of the Chicago River. Should be listed on their website,
I've gone several times being about an hour from the put in. The best year was when the banks were covered in ice. Fun watching the folks slip and slide on the put-in, take-out and the liftover around a dam.:D
Afterwards everybody meets at a local Irish bar and grill for food and drink and lively conversation.
Shuttles are provided and there is no charge --- well maybe medical bills later to amputate your frosted toes.
There is a lot to be said for paddling in the snow. Put in is right in the back yard. Who needs water?


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