Serial # search for a Peterborough Cedar Strip canoe


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Is there a build sheet available for this canoe:
Brass plate= Peterborough Craft, Canadien model, 1427 8416

This is a 16ft canoe, with a 31'' gunwale width, and 1 1/2'' spacing between ribs.

Thank you very much for any response about this canoe.
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To add info, there is a round brass sailing mast ring installed in the bow's deck and a round receiver attached to the hull floor, the canoe is all wood constructed with no canvas, there is one thwart in the center, the stem bands are approx 42'' long, and there is a ''walking floor'' consisting of 8 slats, there is a keel of approx 3/4'', this canoe apparently is one family owned since the '40's (cannot verify if it was purchased new or used but there is a story of a family member using it around the time of WWII), this canoe is in quite good condition (no rot, a few minor blemishes on the side of the hull).

If anyone has any pics of theirs that depicts this model, I would love to see them.
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Thank you, Mr. Gray.
That's a shame that there are no records...I was hoping to be able to see if this canoe was actually made for this family (story has it that the 89 yr old Aunt went on her first date with their Uncle in his canoe and she nervously rocked the canoe enough to toss the Uncle overboard...but that didn't deter them from marrying and the canoe has been in the family since).
does anyone have any opinions about this model of canoe...or possibly where I could find the mast and sail that would have been used with the mount on this bow?
does anyone have any opinions about this model of canoe...or possibly where I could find the mast and sail that would have been used with the mount on this bow?

The 1427 in the serial number indicates that you have a Peterborough Canadien model. These often came with a simple lateen rig sail rig as shown in the 1943 catalog page below. More information like this is available from in the catalog collection. The details at and will help if you decide to make one. Old sailing rigs occasionally show up on the used market but you will probably need to buy a canoe with it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out,



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