serial # question

David Satter

Wooden Canoe Maniac
Is there certain canoe builders that only put a serial # on the bow stem only ? or is it random. i have a canoe with only bow stem number. Thanks, Dave
A serial number on one stem is probably more common than on both. If you go through the canoe-types listed in the KnowledgeBase, you may find something similar to what you have... or post the number here, along with other pictures of the canoe... someone may recognize it.
Thanks Kathryn, I posted the number and photos on 8-7-13 under serial number search but got only a few responces # 18540 45 16
Oh yes-- I remember looking at your pictures, Dave, and not having anything to contribute. It's an interesting canoe. Unusual seat. Doesn't seem to have jogged anyone's memory though.

I know what you want to learn is the name of the builder, and so-far that's a mystery. Looking at the serial number, I would guess the canoe is 16 feet and was built in 1945... but this is only a guess. In 1945, it's unlikely cane would have been available because of the war. The seats, however, could have been replaced. With a serial number that high, you'd think there'd be a lot of canoes by this builder "out there", and that it would be recognized... but it's paddling-season and maybe when the weather gets chilly, more folks will be reading the forums and someone will recognize this canoe.