serial number search

John M. Laskey

New Member
I have a vintage Old Town canoe with the serial number
181939 L15 stamper on the keel. Any information on age, class, previous owners would be appreciated.

Thank you, John Laskey
Hello John--

I have the information for you but am unsure if I can provide the scan because I'm not at my own computer and may not have "privileges" to mess around the way I can on my own computer (which no longer can recognize its modem, and so is off-line).

Old Town 181939 is a 15 foot lightweight model with mahogany gunwales... and I would assume mahogany decks/seats/thwarts but the record doesn't specify. It was fitted with a keel and painted dark green before shipment to Macone's Sporting Goods in Concord, Massachusetts, on February 23, 1970.

No notations were made on the back of the card, which sometimes happens if an owner contacted Old Town or the canoe needed to be sent back for repairs. Because it was purchased from a dealer, the original owner's name isn't on the card.

Just tried to upload the image and this computer won't recognize the extension, so I'll mess around with it and see what I can do. If one of the others with the Old Town records sees this and wants to post the scan, it's scan number 96510.

Macone's Sporting Goods

I am a relative newcomer to town, but I believe the Macone family was and still is a very active family in town. The sporting goods shop has been replaced by a service station. There is some family information here:

I do believe the Jazz band featured in the link still goes up and down the Concord River on nice summer days and adds a great dimension a summer paddle.

There is a photo of the store attached.


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