Attached are two scans (.pdf) of the letters of correspondence between Stan Nikkel (name on the 1958 build order) and D. Gray (sales manger for O.T.C.). Ben (the brother of Stan) gave me the original "patch kit" (round cylinder containing canvas, two smaller containers of different sizes of brass nails, canoe glues, paint, etc.) and some various correspondence between Stan and O.T.C. Notice in one of the letters from O.T.C. (dated: May 21, 1958) it mentions a couple of names from the trip in the LIFE Magazine article you sent me (Gerald Hewey = Jerry Hewey, Bill Confoy). Apparently, O.T.C. has a brochure about the four men's trip which came out before the LIFE Magazine story of the four men's trip. Of the other letters Ben gave me, they are all about payment and such ($150) - nothing all that interesting. Ben said he was pretty sure he still had some other letters between O.T.C., Hewey, and Stan reference the trip down to the Gulf of Mexico.
A little more information on the story: The trip wasn't on the Arkansas River, it was on the Platte River at the same place where the four men from the LIFE magazine article began. The goal was to get to the Mississippi River like the four men did, but go South to the Gulf instead of North. Stan did take-off and made it to ???? but I don't he think made it all the way to the least not by himself (if he made it at all). There is some story about at one point his grandparents had to come to his rescue at 2

o in the morning and had to beat a lot of bush to get him out, but Ben wasn't sure of all the details...just that his grandparents weren't happy. Stan now lives in Maine and I just sent him some photos (via my phone) of the canoe at my house (Ben said Stan wanted to see them). Apparently, Stan has some photos of the canoe when it arrived ("...looked like a huge burlap cocoon...") and from the trip. Ben told me some other information on why the gold Old Town Canoe lettering was put on the side and...well...maybe...lets just say in my message to Stan I asked some verifying information. Ben said he was only 3 or 4 at the time and doesn't remember all the details of the events ~ 60 years ago (Stan, I think was 16 at the time of these letters and 17 at the time of the trip???). I'm waiting a reply from Stan (maybe he will, maybe he won't). There might be some thing else interesting here, or it might be just the exaggerated memories of a boy about his idealized older brother?? If I get a response with anything interesting, I'll post it. I'll post pictures of the canoe soon (waiting for the pictures to download from my phone to the computer).
Interesting, the connection between the pictures/article you posted here from LIFE Magazine and the guy I bought the canoe from.