Serial number look up please


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
It looks like a Carleton to me. Serial #22465 17 ft, 36" wide 11.5" deep, more or less. Open gunwale, common grade. The decks are heart shaped like Carleton. Keel is screwed through every rib, not every other like Old Town. Square stem terminates on a rib not between ribs. Maybe someone can check the Carleton build records for me. Thanks

Jim C.
Hi Jim. My Carleton records don't go higher than canoe number 20558. Does your canoe have the traditional Carleton carry-thwart?
Carry thwart

The seller did not include a photo that showed a carry thwart. I'll have to ask him. He thought it was an Old Town and had the build record for an Old Town with that number which said it was an Otca from 1912, but the deck is not an Otca deck. I'll try to post a couple of the pictures he sent. Thanks Kathryn.

My guess is that you are looking at a Kennebec. Their serial number 22467 is shown on pages 134 and 135 of volume four in the Kennebec ledgers. This was assigned to 17 foot long Kennebec model type A with outside stems. There also may have been sponsons since there is an unreadable note in that column. It was planked by Lane on February 28th, 1931. J. Thib. canvased it and applied the first filler coat on the same day. Gilbert applied the second filler coat on May 2nd, 1931. Brooks added the rails May 16th, 1931. The "F 22" (Function number 22 or the keel?) and outside stems were completed on May 20th, 1931(?) by Giroux(?). The "F 24" (Function number 24 or the thwarts?), "F 25" (Function number 25 or the seats?), and "F 28" (Function number 28 or painting?) were all completed by Giroux on May 23rd, 1931. The original color was green. It was packed by Cameron on May 23rd, 1931 and shipped on August 4th, 1931 to location "31-673". This location is probably an order number but we don't currently have enough information to identify it.

The scans of this build record can be found by following the links at the attached thumbnail images below. These original Kennebec records are reproduced through the courtesy of the Maine State Museum.

The microfilms and scans of these records were created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) as you probably know well. I hope that you will renew your membership to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See to learn more about the WCHA and to join.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description doesn't match the canoe. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



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Attached are three pictures sent by the seller. There are no short gunwale caps. Did the Type 'A' Kennebecs omit them or maybe they are just missing from this canoe. It looks to me like someone did some work on it judging from the difference in color of the varnish under the decks where its hard to reach. It may also be covered in fiberglass. Thanks for your help.

Jim C.


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