Seat Height Advice?


Curious about Wooden Canoes
Building Gilpatrick's Wabnaki. He doesn't give information on seat height. Based on some of the things I read on line, I installed the bow seat with 10 inches clearance below (that leaves the distance from the top of the seat to the bottom of the canoe at 11 inches). The seat seems high to the gunwale compared to what I see of photos of other builds. But I fear lowering it will not leave enough room under the seat for the paddler's feet when kneeling and will be too uncomfortably low when sitting. Any advice?


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I have learned, that it is easier to raise a seat, than to lower. If your hull has any tumblehome, where the seat is hung, you need only to trim your hanger brackets, and shorten the width of the seat.
To lower, you will need to make new hanger brackets, and either have a seat that is too narrow, or make a new one.

My knees don't allow me to kneel anymore, so they don't get tucked under the seat.
I like my seat in the 8-9" above the bottom. That is a personal thing. I also angle mine, so the front edge is about a half inch lower.IMG_0472_zps7v9mwajh.jpg

Remember lowering your seats will give you more stability. In a tandem, and new paddlers, that's important.

Good luck !

What Jim said. If you're going to kneel, allow room for the feet, like you said. My size 12 feet require a minimum of 9 inches below the front rail of the seat; the back rail is 1/2" higher. Mileage will vary with shoe size.