School Canoe Project

That’s a great looking form. You’ll want green Ash for bending stems so a sawyer local will be ideal. I made several posts here recently about stem bending issues, and if you look up ‘Engels Coach Shop’ on YouTube you will find several informative videos about steam bending basics. Although not canoe related the concepts are applicable.
Thanks, Patrick. The mill I talked to today has the ash I need but they weren't encouraging about having me dig through stacks for the right board. The True Temper mill gets all the best local ash logs, anyway. They make blanks for baseball bats and lots of tool handles. They also give me program mill ends to burn in our school sugar house.
Interesting project.

Depending on your machinery, I'm not sure if you have enough wood.

FWIW - when I cut ribs, I use a table saw and cut to size and then sand - no planning.
I can't do this for the planking, so some of the wood is wasted in the planner.

BTW - ash is heavy and rots/discolors fast - spruce or mahagany are better choices (for rails).
I like white oak or cherry for trim.
