Is the Saint John River in Maine the ideal trip for a wood and canvas canoe? It seems to be. There are enough rocks and rapids to keep one sharp, and long stretches of quickwater and moving flatwater in between, so that reflection and relaxation are possible. The campsites are superb. We had a trip down in May of 2004 (hard to believe it was that long ago!) with five people and three canoes; two plastic and my 1928 16' Old Town Yankee that I restored in 1996. I went solo most of the time, carrying a lot of the food and miscellaneous supplies to keep the front of the canoe where it belonged. Aside from a few overly exiting moments, all was serene. I re-discovered something that most already know... tumblehome, while picturesque, leads to a canoe full of water in rapids. We saw moose, bear, and bald eagles. Here are a few pictures.
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