regular spruce... Northern White Spruce was the wood used in the past by most canoe builders.
I wouldn't hesitate to use it if I could find it in gunwale lengths. It was very available in long clear lengths many years ago. Since timbering has decimated old stands of northern white spruce, it's availability has been difficult, thus most of us have gone to Sitka spruce because long clear lengths are available.
If your lumber yard has long clear lengths of NWS...go for it.
Addendum:So that was my story for spruce on gunwales.... Guess I didn't read the original post well enough, because after re-reading it, you are talking about spruce for ribs... To that I say, as Lindy says, who ever used spruce for ribs?? Northern White Cedar is and has been the standard for ribs on wood canvas canoes.. Chances are, Tech, that your ribs are cedar.