Replacing OT Stems

Jeff M

Curious about Wooden Canoes
Newbie canoe restorer curious about the difficulty of replacing stems on ‘39 Old Town. Both stems are toast, full of tack holes and split wood on the entire stem were present. I’ve read threads on here about splicing the tips but my stems are shot from the tip/deck all the way down to where it turns to go flat. I’ve done numerous searches on here and the internet only to find not enough info or links are outdated.
Updated links and advice would be appreciated!
Have a great weekend.


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I don’t think it’s terribly difficult. Sorta depends on what Jerry has done to them before you get them.
You should strive to get the original stem out in one piece. You can use it as a template to notch out where the ribs go. If it doesn’t come with the angles cut on the bend, you can do it carefully on a bandsaw or what I usually do is swing my belt sander with a heavy grit belt around it to form the angles. Be sure to mark the 5/16” wide center of the stem so that you don’t remove too much wood on either side.
I use small stainless nails to attach the planks to the stem.
The most difficult thing IMHO is positioning it in the correct spot to make sure the stem is exactly under the inwale tips.
Your mileage may vary.
Dave, I'm not sure if Jeff knows that replacements are available from Jerry in his post above.

Jeff, If that is the case, Island Falls Canoe Co. can bend you up replacements for your canoe as they build new OT's. Take advantage of this IMO as bending new stems are not in a beginner's bag of tricks.. Should not be a big deal as Dave said above.

Thanks for the advice. The ribs from Jerry came with the beveling all ready complete. I’ll be sure to attempt a clean removal of the existing stem, what remains that is. Thanks again for your assistance.

I did order new stem replacements from Jerry. I have previously steam bent wood, but for the price Jerry offered new stems with the correct serial # was a no brainer. I can now concentrate on rib repairs before venturing into stem replacements.
Thanks again and take care