Lew's Canoes
Canoe Builder
A customer brought me a w/c canoe and asked me to make a few repairs, repaint and varnish, and "fix the leaks around the keel screws". A quick look confirmed my worst fear - the keel had been 'bedded' with silicone caulk. It must have been done with a shovel because there is silicone all over the keel and down the length of the hull about a half inch on either side of the keel. I got the keel off and now am wondering how best to get the silicone off, as I know no paint will ever stick to it. I have been scraping with a single edge razor blade, using coarse sandpaper, and trying other mechanical means, all with only limited success. Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to get this stuff off? Is there a solvent that will work, or any other technique? I would like to get a good coat of paint on the hull before reinstalling the keel with Dolphinite bedding compound. All help will be welcome!!! Thanks, Lew