Refilling Canvas


Curious about Wooden Canoes
I recanvassed my Yankee last spring using Bill Clement's filler. I'm a complete novice but the results looked pretty good. I let the filler dry for several months over the summer and primed and painted. This Spring I took the canoe out several times and noticed dreaded paint blisters on the bottom. On one excursion, the hull lightly scrapped as I came into shore and a section of paint actually peeled off. When I got home I proceeded to peel large sections of paint off mostly along the keel. Unfortunatly, filler came off with the paint exposing the weave.
I realize now that I put the filler on too thick and it never fully cured. How do I repair this? Should I put on a new layer of filler over the exposed weave? I have been told that new filler will not adhere to cured filler. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks
I have been told that new filler will not adhere to cured filler.

This has been a topic of much debate here over the years. Many modern builders insist that it is best to put the second coat of filler on before the first one is fully dry to improve adhesion. The Old Town and Kennebec records clearly show that there were many occasions when the second coat was successfully applied many months after the first coat. I would suggest adding some new filler to cover the exposed weave in your case. Others with more experience may offer a better suggestion. Good luck,
