question about "open form" construction


New Member
Hi all,
I'm currently in Iraq, planning to build a cedar-canvas canoe when I get back home. I want to avoid building a full blown form, as I only want to make one canoe. I have heard of a method that I think is called open form construction, but I can't find any info about how to do it. Can anyone describe this for me, or point me in the right direction to learn more?
Thanks alot,
Look in the April, 2006 issue of Wooden Canoe where Alex Comb shows one way to do just this.
I have always used a 'skeleton' form of mold and stringers on a strong-back. Reaching inside to cinch the canoe tacks is a stretch on the larger canoes but it seems to be as effective and alot easier than making a solid mold. I would recommend it as a routine. peter

Thanks for the replies guys. I was thinking about the idea of building a strongback, with stations just like a cedar strip/epoxy canoe is built, then adding stringers, spaced enough to allow my hand to get between them with a clenching iron. I probably would not be able to fasten every plank to every rib, but I figure I could get enough on to hold the shape, and finish the nailing after the canoe is off the form.
But after all this thought, I saw a Peterborough strip canoe, with the smaller ribs, and no canvas or FG, and I may decide to go that route instead, though I think it would be more difficult. Who knows....if only the toughest decisions we had to make is which canoe to build...
What Issue Numnber fro June 2006?

Read the response directing us to the 2006 June issue for tips on "open forms". Please indicate the issue number for that month.
