please: I need help identifiying my canoe

Karl B.

New Member
updated 04-23: please, I need help identifiying my canoe

I just traded for this canoe

cedar ribs/slats
fur or spruce decks
oak gunwales
17 feet long 36" wide 11" deep
19.5" at the bow
ribs are 2.25" wide with a 1.25" spacing

looks like it was reworked on top with new pine decks in the 50's or 40's
backed with 1/4" plywood

photos to be added

serial # on both ends are
26073 17

any help is needed,
thank you
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Welcome to the WCHA!

I have checked the SN you have provided and it shows as a 15' "HW" that was shipped to Canada.

If I place a number 1 in front of what you provided, then I come up with a 17' HW (heavy water) in CS (common sense) grade. It was shipped to Washington D.C. on May 10, 1940 with spruce gunwales, birch decks, seats and thwarts. It also was built with a keel and the original color was bright red. A build record is attached. Please double check to see if you can find the "1" or it could possibly be another number. Pictures and dimensions can also help.

If you are not already a member of the WCHA, please consider joining to help support this service and many other services offered by the WCHA. If you have repairs or restoration in mind, this is the single source for expert advice from the experts.

All the Best,

Ric Altfather


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