Plans for Northwoods Paddle

I recently posted an article about paddles for my website - working title is "An Obsessive Consideration of the Canoe Paddle."


My experience with acquiring a good paddle stroke is like Larry's - I paddled a whole lot and found myself unconsciously developing a "Canadian" or "northwoods" stroke.

My advice for anyone making a paddle is to make it to suit yourself, especially to trim it so it has a comfortable spring, or flex.

Here are a couple of my favorites - the single cherry paddle is a replica of one I found in a New Brunswick museum. The original was of maple. I think it's a Mik'Maq design.

The other photo shows the original "Presque Isle (Maine)" paddle and my adaptation. The original is about 100 years old and was made by a local guide. It's Maliseet-influenced design is typical of the Saint John River region.


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