Plank Repair Question


New Member

I recently purchased a Beaver Canoe Hull #50 (Wood/Canvas). The only defect is a small crack across one of the planks in about the middle of the canoe. The canvas is not ripped or damaged and I do not believe I have to replace the whole plank. Does anyone have any advise on a simple fix ie. with epoxy or a wood filler/glue? Your comments would be appreciated.

Also if anyone has any information and/or history on the Beaver Canoe Company I would be interested in it. I have only been able to find limited info on the internet.



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I'd be inclined to just leave it, and do a real repair when it comes time to recanvas. Its amazing how many canoes provide good service with far, far worse damage than what you describe. The canoe looks in quite good condition.

If you want to stabilize the small crack, I'd probably use some CA glue, such as the Hot Stuff brand that Lee Valley sells. You can buy it other places as well. Its available in different viscosities, the thin stuff will wick right in and cure hard. You can do the same trick with epoxy and a heat gun. Apply the epoxy over the crack and apply heat just till its water thin and wicks into the crack. You may need to add more as it wicks in.

Beaver Canoe was a store that capitalized on Omer Stringer's name. The were active through the '80's, based in S. Ontario, and set up stores in malls. Sold a lot of outdoor stuff, mostly lots of T shirts and Sweatshirts with the logo on it. They sub-contracted out the canoe building. If my memory serves, Kijik Canoes built them. I met the builder once, and heard it from him.

Nice enough canoes, copies of a 15' Chestnut Pleasure model.

Try and find a shirt to go with the canoe!