
Rice Cake

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I'm new to the board and should probably contribute a little more before asking for things, but I don't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to older canoes! So, I'll just throw out this question!

I purchased a canoe from an auctioneer up in Vermont. The canoe is a 16' cedar strip Peterborough, or so the tag reads. I emailed pictures to a gent in Canada, who said it didn't look like a Peterborough (he restores Pete's for a living). I hope someone here can recognize this as a Peterborogh. It would make me feel a ton better about my purchase! :confused:

The photos are here:

Thanks, in advance!
Sure looks like a Peterborough Lakequeen model to me. See the attached catalog page from 1938. The Lakequeen was a lower grade version of their cedar strip canoes. Notice the indication in the catalog that the ribs are spaced 3".



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It was brought to my attention that your canoe may have square ribs. I didn't notice this at first, and though it is hard to tell from your photos, that may indeed be the case. If so, then that would not be a characteristic of Peterborough strip canoes, which have half-round ribs. It would be helpful if you looked for additional numbers stamped on the stems (inboard upper face) and posted dimensions as well.

Even if it turns out to be a Peterborough, dating is difficult. It cannot be done from the serial number, so you need to know the model number and compare it with the catalogs to learn the time frame it was offered.

I can't tell anything other than whats on the pics, as the canoe is at my in-laws. I believe the ribs are not square, but rounded... I will try to confirm that with my father-in-law. If the ribs are rounded, is the boat a Lakequeen? If the ribs are not, did someone put a Peterborough tag on this boat?
Thanks, again for your help.
Just spoke with my father-in-law and it does in fact have half-rounded ribs. I will bring the canoe down over Christmas and measure and look for the other things that you mentioned.

Thanks for your responses and help!