Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
Just finished a Penn Yan Auto Canoe for my friend Todd. At 10' long it's a bath tub! Weighs all of 38#. Serial # CA-158 doesn't really tell the age other than it being from before 1947. Todd says he bought it last year from a fella in Vermont in his 80s who remembers being in the canoe when he was maybe 4 years old.
There are no seats so you'd have to paddle in a kneeling position. Todd isn't a huge guy, but I thought the planking to be a bit thin to handle the resulting stress where he'd be kneeling, so with his permission I added some half-ribs to the aft end.

BTW, this is the canoe I had mentioned in a previous Thread about wrinkles appearing in the canvas. The wrinkles were caused by my canvassing technique: Due the extreme hull profile change in a short distance (note the stubby decks) I needed to slit the fore & aft canvas 'flaps' much further down the stem toward the bottom of the canoe. I replaced the canvas, and voila, no wrinkles. Live & learn...
There are no seats so you'd have to paddle in a kneeling position. Todd isn't a huge guy, but I thought the planking to be a bit thin to handle the resulting stress where he'd be kneeling, so with his permission I added some half-ribs to the aft end.

BTW, this is the canoe I had mentioned in a previous Thread about wrinkles appearing in the canvas. The wrinkles were caused by my canvassing technique: Due the extreme hull profile change in a short distance (note the stubby decks) I needed to slit the fore & aft canvas 'flaps' much further down the stem toward the bottom of the canoe. I replaced the canvas, and voila, no wrinkles. Live & learn...