Pay as you go workshops

Brad C

Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
I may be missing something, but is there a place to get more info on the pay as you go workshops? A general description and cost for the workshops would be helpful. Thanks and we will see you all soon.
Brad C
The best information about this is probably available directly from the presenter of each workshop. It is usually a major challenge for the organizers to get these details from all of them in advance. I don't have anything more specific at this time. Sorry,

Pay as you go workshop details:

Paddle-carving, both single and double blade Caleb Davis/Tremolo
Thurs., Fri and Sat
Single blade, various woods and lengths, solid wood blanks, $90
Double paddle; traditional cherry native-style kayak paddles, straight blade, 8' long, 48" shaft, one piece $100.

Allow a full day, or two half-days. (for both single and kayak) Class limit 8 people. Pre-register with Caleb at, asap

Packbasket workshop Beth Stanley/Canadian Canoe Museum
Traditional style packbasket, rattan/split bamboo, cotton straps with brass buckles and leather handle. Thursday (takes most of the day) $200

Leather Axe Sheath; Jane Barron/Alderstream Canvas
Friday morning $10 for materials.