Paddle at the Presidents Cottage- MI CHAPTER 04/23/2011

Mike Darga

Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes
We had a great turn out with 24 members. A wonderful time was had by all.


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Thanks for coming!

Not the best weather - but the company made up for it. TLC is a wonderful place and it is great to share with all the friends in our club. Here are a couple more photos.


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more photos

What a great group - and everyone loved paddling Denis and Kathy's 1880s canoe. Notice the loon pair in the background of the Dave McD photo.


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empty place

Not sure you can tell Dave, but we left an empty place in the group photo where we wanted you to be...hope you can make the next one.
Thanks. I was really hoping to be there to see Denis and Kathy again. Or was it just their old canoe? And the rest of the gang too. Next time. Some time.
Here's the video!

P.S. I just put up a different link, as the previous video was "private" for some unknown reason, and the only way to fix that was to cancel it and put it on again... I want these videos to be "out there" for folks to accidentally run into and think, "hmmm, these folks look like they are having a good time--- they ARE a good time! I will join them, and buy countless numbers of canoes, just as they do, and I will paddle them in lovely places inhabited by loons..."

That sure looks like it was a lot of fun. I'll have to go next year (but only if I make it to Killbear this year, else Andre'll have my head on a stick...!)
Loony paddler? we almost have Dave turning statements into questions simply by adding "eh" to the end of sentences, another year or so at Killbear and it should happen. Dan, I have begun pressuring Lynn - maybe we can make the tail wag the dog.
I'd go next year too if Ken broke out the Calvados (after the paddling of course)....