Curious about Wooden Canoes

Aside from opinions as to whether an outrigger/pontoon/sponson should be used, I have a question for those more experienced.
I want to use an outrigger(s) on my canoe, sort of like training wheels on a bike, so that novice users can have some extra 'support' while perfecting technique. I plan to construct the device myself, and mainly want to know whether others have found a single, or double setup to be best.
I see both used, and suppose that the singles help when leaned toward the outrigger, and as a counter balance when leaned away from it. On the other hand, double setups can be left above the water and only come into play when leaned past a certain tipping point.
I am building a sailing canoe on the base of a Royalex Charles River by OT, and have original Old Town hardware and want to avoid aluminum to keep the retro look as much as possible. I am handy with metal, wood and fiberglass fabrication.
Please feel free to leave constructive comments here as a reply, as well as any suggestions as to where materials can be purchased, and of course pictures are still worth a thousand words.
Thanks in advance.