Well, the Otca finally got cartopped. It has been used on an Eastern Shore (MD) river occasionally and spends most of the time in a garage. But in a few weeks it is headed up to the Adirondacks and will be back on a lake it has not seen in 35+ years. It will be used to take my 4-year-old son fishing, as well as taking the rest of the family on a cruise. I forgot how big this thing is. It is a BEAST! I got a boatloader and a 66" bar for my Yakima rack. Otherwise all the gunwale brackets won't fit the boat. It is a chore, but with the boatloader, a tube which pulls out of the crossbar, I can load and offload the Otca solo. It is a workout though. Now we may go out to a local reservoir tomorrow to do some fishing, a practice run. Wish us luck.