Ot sn 16206 15 ?

Can you confirm the length and indicate which digit is the least clear? It may help to review the information at http://forums.wcha.org/showthread.php?791 and check the numbers in each end. The last two digits show that you have a 15 foot long craft but the build record for serial number 16206 is for a 16 foot long canoe. The record for 116206 doesn't show a 15 foot long canoe either. There are several 15 foot long boats and a canoe in the 16206x range. Pictures of your craft and the serial numbers may also help. Thanks,

I was a guest at a gathering and the canoe was in use so I could only grab a quick look at one end. The boat is 15 feet - that number was clear (and the boat is a little shorter than mine) and I did look pretty carefully. Maybe 76206??
Well, I don't think that 76206 matches either. The record for that number shows an 11.5 foot long dinghy. The Carleton and Kennebec records for number 16206 both show 17 foot long canoes. This may need to wait until you can return and get a closer look. Sorry,
