OT S/N Request

David Lewis

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I have a 15' OT that my dad found and restored in Texas. It's complete with an original sailing rig (including the cotton sail which is in remarkably good condition), and got to wondering how it ended up in Texas.

S/N is 117653.

Thank you so much!!!
Ot 117653


This canoe was shipped on May 4, 1938 to Alpena, Michigan as a 15' 50# model in AA grade. It featured mahogany gunwales, seats, thwarts and decks along with a keel and a floor rack. The original color was dark green with painter rings and a full length "bang plate".

The build record is attached and also a copy of the the back side indicating how this canoe ended up in Austin, TX., in 1985.

Hope this helps,

Ric Altfather


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This is all a perfect example of what's so neat about the WCHA--people sharing information.

Take care,