Thanks!! - Now where to start?
Many thanks for the info and welcome to your site.
Being an Assistant BSA Scoutmaster in the Hudson Valley NY area, it is especially of interest that it was delivered and used at a BSA Camp. That would definitely explain why it was returned to OT for repairs soon after purchase too. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I believe this camp was shut down due funding
I've always been a woodworker and canoeing entheuist, and now I can put the two hobbies together

. This site is a GREAT resource however, a little overwhelming for a first timer like myself.
It appears that a number of years back someone started to refinish it and just gave up and then left it sit in a barn. So in its current condition; the canvas was removed, there are several ribs that cracked and have some ill attempts at glued pieces on them. About a third of the planking was removed to expose these ribs. The stems and desks appear solid with the exception of one crack in the front deck. The Wales and "hand holds" will need replacement too.
OK, so I maybe bit off more than I can chew but Mom always said I did things the hard way
I'm just itching to start this project but will probably have to wait until winter so I'm gathering info from you experts out there. I'd like to know if there are any good pictures of what my boat would have looked like especially with the added features and of course any recommended reading, aside from the "Wood & Canvas Canoe" by Stelmok/Thrulow?
Also, would it be "blasphemy" to replace the canvas/varnish with fiberglass?
Thanks again....many more questions & posts to come, I'm sure!!