Old Town serial number

  • Thread starter Thread starter Terry Beckner
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Terry Beckner

I just picked up another old canoe (to my wifes suprise)with this serial number in it 6150. I do believe it is a 16' Old town Made in 1907 This info is in the stems along with the serial#. Any info you might have would help I would like to restore it to it's arriginal specs if at all possible so any help will be needed. Also if anyone lives in The Lewiston MAine area and would like to check it out drop me a line I would be glad to have some company over.
Thanks for your help
The Old Town canoe with serial number 6150 is a 16 foot long, CS grade, Charles River model with western red cedar planking, a keel, ash decks, ash trim, closed spruce gunwales, a mast seat, and a complete sailing rig. It was built between January (?) and March, 1907. The original exterior paint color was dark red. It shipped on April 4th, 1907 to Macy's in New York City. A scan of this build record can be found by following the link behind the attached thumbnail image below.

This scan was created with substantial grants from the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA) and others. Additional information about the project to preserve these records is available at http://www.wcha.org/catalogs/old-town/records/ if you want more details. I hope that you will join or contribute to the WCHA so that services like this can continue. See http://www.wcha.org/wcha/ to learn more about the WCHA and http://www.wcha.org/join.html to join.

It is also possible that you could have another number or manufacturer if this description don't match your canoe. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions.



  • 6150.gif
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To cool to be real

That kinda made my day Thanks!!!!
I belong to the WCHA already I just cant remember my password.
This matchs my canoe to a tee except for the paint and the guy said it had been recanvsed before so that explains the green paint.
I was woundering what the hole in the seat was for. This is to cool I will be calling the old guy to see if he has the sailing rig for it still.
This canoe is in really good shap it would most likly still float and be usable but I will defently restore it first.
Thanks again for your help.


That canoe was shipped on April 4 '07, yes? I was wondering where '39 came from.

Neat canoe. I probably won't be going N on Route 4 until spring, but might like to come and gawk at it some time. Cheers. :D
You could stop when ever you would like.
I also have a 20' Grand laker That I use alot But I have no clue as to the make or model. I have been building strips and I Still have my latest one which is a 15' 6" Which I did not get done in time to use before winter So it is just waiting to be tried out.
I was going to start a new striper but now I will work on the Old town.
If anyone does stop over just try and come during the recanvice job (HE HE) just joking anytime is fine.