Old Town Serial No. 160757 18

Jeffrey Ward

Curious about Wooden Canoes
I picked up an Old Town sailing canoe in need of restoration last night. The serial number is 160757 18. I believe it is an Old Town based on the shape of the decks, the serial number, and the diamond shaped bolts. I am excited about restoring this canoe, and would appreciate receiving the building record for it. Thank you for this excellent resource.
Ot 160757


Thank you for contacting the WCHA for your recent canoe find. This canoe was shipped on May 25, 1955 to Washington D.C. as an 18' Guide in CS (common sense) grade. It was built with a keel and the original color was GS (guide special) Green. Build record is attached.

If you are not already a member of the WCHA please consider joining to help support this service and others. As you will find out, this is the best location for expert advice as you proceed with your restoration journey.

All the best,

Ric Altfather


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Wow. Thanks for responding so quickly. I certainly intend to join WCHA, and I hope to receive lots of helpful advice here as I get to work on the boat.

