Old Town hull identifcation

Dave, Between the red lines is crackled fake gold leaf. Not my work, the artist specializes in hot rods and motor cycles. First but not last canoe he has done for me. Each bow has a different frog catching a different bug. The keel is solid, outside stem is laminated. R. C.
I just received the recommended back issues of Wooden Canoe and excited to get into them. Made arrangements to get the interior stripped (no one liked the paint) but getting the ball rolling at least. Looking at where the canvas was originally attached I was concerned that if tacks were used again the plank would split. Would staples be better? I have a metalworking background so when welding, riveting etc I have an idea how the material is going to behave, wood not so much!


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Heard about the annual boat show at the Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum and was able to see some beautiful canoes and they were canvassing that day! Was inspiring to see in person what I have been reading about and well worth the days drive. Been doing a few small jobs and made up a tool to remove the diamond head bolts, basically a 1/4 drive 7/16 hex socket with a 1/4 inch slot.Thanks to everyone for all the great information and inspiration to a new WCHA member.