Old Town Canoe Identification

Bradley Newton

New Member
Anyone know what kind of canoe this is? Or what might be a reasonable price for it? I know that's a loaded question and have read some of the general thoughts on that here. But basically, I'd like to use it. Probably not do any restoration. But pay a fair price in case I want to sell it at some point.


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Welcome, this appears to be an Old Town Molitor model. The information at https://www.wcha.org/forums/index.php?threads/57/ should help you with the pricing question. There is another one listed at http://www.wcha.org/content/17-old-town-molitor but their asking price seems very optimistic. It should have a serial number on the inside stems and a hull identification number on the starboard stern if you want to post it here and get a copy of the build record. See http://forums.wcha.org/index.php?threads/791/ if you aren't sure where to look. The 1980s catalog page at http://www.wcha.org/forums/index.php?attachments/40642/ describes it. Feel free to reply here if you have any other questions. Good luck,

Thanks so much for that reply, Benson. I did see that thread you linked about value, but don't feel I have any feel for how to assesss of the things like condition and what it might need.

Do you get any sense of it's condition from looking at it? Do you think $1500 is a fair price, high, or a steal? I know the one you linked to is much higher, but it may be in much better condition and I don't know if it's a little high or way high.

Would the serial number further help I assessing value?

Thanks again.
Would the serial number further help I assessing value?

Yes, because you will know how old it really is. (Older canoes are generally worth more than newer canoes in the same condition.) I would also suggest a water test to see if it leaks badly. A nice wooden canoe that you can use will probably be worth $1000 to $1500. A wreck that needs work will be closer to $500 (or free). It looks reasonable but pictures never tell the whole story. Sorry,
