Old Town #41574

Hi Michael

41574 was assigned to a 16' CS grade Otca with spruce rails, ash seats, decks & thwarts and a keel. The original color is some sort of gray - auto gray? Can't decipher the first word. It was shipped to Ansona CT in May of 1916. Build record is attached.

Assembly this year?



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Hi Mike,

Thanks very much for the build sheet!

About Assembly... there is truly no place I'd rather be this summer. I've even talked with some of the folks from Trent University about giving a lecture/seminar or two while there. But with gas at about $97/gallon by July, I'm afraid Florida and Peterborough are just too far apart. I have no doubt that this will be a great Assembly. I'm very sad that we won't be there.

So, do you have any Florida paddling plans coming up? We sure would love to see you down here again!
