Old Old Town


New Member
Today my wife and I started a restoration project on what we believe is an early Old Town canoe as a learning vacation with Tom Seavey at Azland Traditions in Henniker NH. We decided better to buy American with our stimulus check as opposed to spending it on gasoline.

The hull came from my father after he passed away. He purchased it at a yard sale, and I expect that it was striped of canvas when he got it. It was rediscovered while cleaning out a shed to be re-roofed. After stripping and inspection today it appears to be in good shape with very little rot, one cracked rib, and almost no plank damage. It has held its shape very well with out distortion. Ribs and planks are white cedar, decks and seats are mahogany. Stems are ash (?).

The serial number is 563 17 and OT informed Tom that it was before records were archived (1901) which leaves us a little in the dark as to the finish of the canoe. I have included some photos of the canoe to show what we have.

If anyone has any additional information on the canoe type or what might have been typical for this canoe we would love to hear from you. We plan to work with Tom this week to do the mechanical stuff, take a breather, recanvas, take a breather, and finish the trim.

Sandy and Bob


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THe W deck is a give-away. Perhaps Tom S's absence from Assemblies has dulled his identification skills!:rolleyes: