John B in ID
Canoeist and Dreamer
epoxy edging
I took an idea from Gil Gilpatrick's book, which has a chapter on paddle making. After finishings the shaping of the paddle and before I fiberglass the blade, I use straight pins or open safety pins to position an 8" or 9" length of 1/8" nylon rope around the tip of the blade. Then I use a bit of epoxy to glue this nylon rope to the tip of the blade where the wear is most likely. Next I remove the pins and apply fiber glass over one side of the blade and also over the nylon cord at the end, let it dry and then trim the ends and side. Next day do the same with the other side of the blade and cord. If the end of the blade needs more epoxy, I later give it one or more layers and trim and sand as needed. Sometimes this process stretches on for weeks as I use epoxy for various other (usually boat building) tasks and use some on the paddle-in-progress as I go along.
Although this may not have the artistic quality that you are looking for, it is quite beautiful and servicable. I've been very happy with the results anyway.
I took an idea from Gil Gilpatrick's book, which has a chapter on paddle making. After finishings the shaping of the paddle and before I fiberglass the blade, I use straight pins or open safety pins to position an 8" or 9" length of 1/8" nylon rope around the tip of the blade. Then I use a bit of epoxy to glue this nylon rope to the tip of the blade where the wear is most likely. Next I remove the pins and apply fiber glass over one side of the blade and also over the nylon cord at the end, let it dry and then trim the ends and side. Next day do the same with the other side of the blade and cord. If the end of the blade needs more epoxy, I later give it one or more layers and trim and sand as needed. Sometimes this process stretches on for weeks as I use epoxy for various other (usually boat building) tasks and use some on the paddle-in-progress as I go along.
Although this may not have the artistic quality that you are looking for, it is quite beautiful and servicable. I've been very happy with the results anyway.