new form

Mark Adams

all wood nut
Hi All,

Here is a pic of my new form that I am working on. It is Rollins "Whisper". It will be a "cute" canoe when it is done. The form itself is kind of a ***** to build. All the covering strips need to be steamed because of the amount of curve to the shape.

I am building the form to build my dad a new canoe. His 71 year old bones aren't up to toting the 70# Trailcraft aluminum tub around any more. He stands up to flycast and I think the Whisper will be a good canoe for him. I built one of Alex Comb's Travelers for him about 10 years ago, but that one is most assuredly NOT a canoe to stand up in!



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My Dad says that "a lot" of people want to see it when it is done. We'll see though. People talk a lot until it is time for cash on the barrel head. I think I could market it locally to the RV folks or those folks up at Tahoe with a home close top the lake. As far as the work goes, it's all enjoyable to do so I am not really out anything. The materials were paid for by my dad so all I am into it is time. And yes, I do love him but I'd bite my tongue out before I actually said it.
