Need image for a Penn Yan decal


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
I've just discovered that you can print your own water slide type decals on home printers. So I'm looking for someone to provide me with a nice clear image of the decal off of a Penn Yan canoe. The image needs to be taken straight on because I'll not easily be able to correct for skewed pictures or parallax problems. And the bigger & clearer the image the better. High resolution would be of help too. You should be able to email me the image directly I think. Or maybe make it available via Dropbox. Thanks!
Here is a 600dpi scan of a Penn Yan decal.


  • PY decal 600dpi.jpg
    PY decal 600dpi.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 551
Thank you! One more thing - can you tell me the decal's true dimensions? Like, the distance between the outer red boarders.
No, no other decals, but one of them looked like this, from a catalog:


  • pennyan decal design from early catalog.gif
    pennyan decal design from early catalog.gif
    12.6 KB · Views: 445
I think that's the one they sold me, (but not sure as I don't have it close) but the one that was on originally was a different one, a horizontal oval, and larger.



  • Penn Yan ONS 62 Decal.jpg
    Penn Yan ONS 62 Decal.jpg
    139.4 KB · Views: 396
Wow. I'm happy you have it - and thank you for sending it - but it's worthless for my decal project! Are you sure its a Penn Yan?
Hey Howie,

Ya, that image doesn't help me get/make a new decal either. I keep hoping to find someone with a better image but to date haven't in about 10 years. Most folks have never even seen this one.

And yes, it is a Penn Yan, an early 30's Owasco, per the factory rep I talked to. Best guess is a 1931 or ’32, not later than 1934 – Penn Yan rep said ’31 was 1st year for the 16’ Owasco, and that in the 1st half of a decade they dropped part of the S/N code. It's ONS 62.

A one time I talked with a guy who restored boats that had 2 or 3 Penn Yan canoe with S/N's just before or after this one, but never learned what they had for decal or saw images of them.

Let us know how your printed slide decal works, and where did you get the "paper" and what did you print it on?

This is really sharp. The 1st one you sent me is the decal my canoe originally had - but I'm thinking this is much classier. Was it used on their canoes? Whatever... I'll try and use it. And do you know its true size?
This is really sharp. The 1st one you sent me is the decal my canoe originally had - but I'm thinking this is much classier. Was it used on their canoes? Whatever... I'll try and use it. And do you know its true size?

Yes, it was, but I don't have any photos of it, nor do I know the actual size. It was used in their catalogs from circa 1926 (earliest I have) until sometime before 1937, when they started using the rectangular version in their catalog. My guess is that the version shown in the catalog reflects what they were using on their deck decals as well.

I'm reasonably certain that the small black oval decal is what PY sold me years (8-9) ago, I don't have it in front of me, but I "think" it's a stick on type and not a water slide. But, PY is/was still in business, do a search and contact them, maybe you could buy one from them. (It was expensive though, I'm thinking $20-$30 range for 1 decal.)

If I could find mine I'd scan it for you but I have no idea where it is after moving the office a couple times.

I remember seeing a Penn Yan that Dan Sutherland had restored. It had the oval decal with the Native American on the deck which Dan Miller has posted above. I don't know the exact dimensions, but it was small (maybe an inch long??), and I remember thinking it was a nice elegant touch - small unobtrusive decal. Dan lived in the Penn Yan area and may have had access to the decals - just speculation.
Dan, do you know the approx date range the original indian head logo was used before it changed to the sailboat? Thanks