Need Canoe ID Please.


New Member
Hey Everyone. Been skulking in the background here for a while, really enjoying the wealth of information here and finally have a question worth asking.

I'm going to look at this boat tomorrow & maybe purchase my first traditional wooden canoe. The owner doesn't seem to know much about it and just said someone told him it might be an Old Town. Any information would be appreciated. Things to look out for would be great. If anyone would want to hazard a guess as far as a fair value to pay for it, that would be fantastic too.


Thanks in advance for any info.
It's either a Stowe or a Merrimack so not really "traditional". They are constructed with fiberglass and have the wooden ribs more for effect than function.
The lines in these boats have never impressed me.....a bit tubby for my taste.
Value is whatever you are willing to pay. They are not collectable but they do have a small following.
Thanks so much. I'm going to pass on this one. Kept looking at the pictures and something didn't add up. Thought it might be fiberglass on the outside but didn't know anyone had made a FG tub with wood ribs inside.
Appreciate the help.
Check you private messages.
PM'd you some links for nearby canoes more worthy of your time.
One of them looks like a good one.

Good luck.