My serial no. may be off.
Thank you for your response. Your response indicates that serial no. 161432 16 is a Yankee CS with red paint, etc. Although almost all the description is correct for my canoe, it appears that my canoe is about 32 inches instead of the 36 inche beam which appears to be most common for the Yankee. Also, during removal of the paint, it appears that I have red associated with the outside planking and green on the stems. The gunwales were also closed style. I'm not confinced the outside hull has not been renovated along the way with red and green colors.
I have looked hard at my serial no. and it appears I cannot identify one number with much confidence. I thought is was a four, but now I think it is the wood grain pattern. I photographed the stem and and enlarged it and I now think it is a No. 3. Therefore, the serial no. is 161332. I spent several hours trying to figure the number out.
Will you look at serial no. 161332 and let me know the building record. Based on my latest research I think that may be the correct number for my canoe. I appreciate your help.