This is an interesting's been on quite a journey to end up here.
If it were me, once I had myself convinced that all of the varnish has been removed, I would give it a wash with TSP. Be sure to rinse it well and then let it dry.
The wash will give you a better picture of how well you have done with the stripper and it will also help to remove some of the residual gunk that would otherwise need to be removed with the Teak cleaner..
After washing with TSP and if you are convinced that the varnish is adequately removed, follow with a cleaning with Teak Nu. Be sure to keep things wet and not get the order reversed or you'll cause extra work for yourself trying to get the wood the same color throughout.
The Teak Nu should get you to a point where you can begin sanding the hull.
At the stage you are at (varnish removal) I have had pretty good luck using soft (very soft) brushes to pull up the varnish that tends to get into the grain and in corners. I apply the stripper and then follow with a brush. Then I use the scraper to lift the clumps that loosen up. Brushing at this stage will save you some steps later when you TSP and Teak Nu since it will loosen what might otherwise be hard to get off.
Be very careful with (scrapers) the brushes you use for varnish, TSP and Teak Nu. Brushes can really dig into the soft cedar if you work them too hard.
If it were me, once I had myself convinced that all of the varnish has been removed, I would give it a wash with TSP. Be sure to rinse it well and then let it dry.
The wash will give you a better picture of how well you have done with the stripper and it will also help to remove some of the residual gunk that would otherwise need to be removed with the Teak cleaner..
After washing with TSP and if you are convinced that the varnish is adequately removed, follow with a cleaning with Teak Nu. Be sure to keep things wet and not get the order reversed or you'll cause extra work for yourself trying to get the wood the same color throughout.
The Teak Nu should get you to a point where you can begin sanding the hull.
At the stage you are at (varnish removal) I have had pretty good luck using soft (very soft) brushes to pull up the varnish that tends to get into the grain and in corners. I apply the stripper and then follow with a brush. Then I use the scraper to lift the clumps that loosen up. Brushing at this stage will save you some steps later when you TSP and Teak Nu since it will loosen what might otherwise be hard to get off.
Be very careful with (scrapers) the brushes you use for varnish, TSP and Teak Nu. Brushes can really dig into the soft cedar if you work them too hard.