Norm Hein
Canoe Codger
I was just looking at a different post and Craig Johnson brought up the point about not having a thwart behind the bow seat, having the seat hanging from the gunnel allows the canoe to spread. My wife and I had our first float together in our 17' OTCA this week. It is going to be the perfect canoe for us. The problem is that my wife is 6' tall and said there is not enough leg room in the bow for her. I'm trying to figure a way to move the seat back with minimal changes to the canoe. The easiest way as I see it is to take out the thwart and move the seat back to its position. This would be a gain of 5-1/2". So that move in it's self would require drilling another hole in the gunnel on each side to catch the front cross-member of the seat. Not too bad. but then I would have no stern thwart. I prefer my seat attached right to the gunnel but my wife does not. So It looks like I will have to drill two more holes (one each side) in the gunnel to re-attach the thwart. That's a lot of holes in the at small space. Any comments, thoughts or ideas on how to make a guys wife happy (easy fellas) and still have a sound canoe?
Here is my wife, Sherri, doing her perfected paddle stroke.

Here is my wife, Sherri, doing her perfected paddle stroke.