Morris Long Deck Question


LOVES Wooden Canoes
The inwales on the 1914 Morris I just picked up are different from those on my 1913. Both have identical bracing to support a 24” long deck. However, the inwales on the 1913 are recessed, or stepped, to accept the 1/4” thick mahogany. The step allows the top of the deck to be flush with the top of the inwale. A short topwale then blends the deck to the inwale and outwale. My 1914 Morris does not have a step, and I don’t have the original decks. Does anyone have pictures of how the deck should look? Attached is a picture of the 1913 inwale with an arrow pointing to Screen Shot 276.jpgthe step. Thanks!
Dog: My Morris does not have the cutout shown in your pic.
These are the 36 inch forward and aft 24 inch decks, currently in frames to stabilize them. When mounted they cover part of the outwale.


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It would be of great help as I restore my two Morris canoes if you could post pics of the deck restoration as you progress. As my long decks are long gone, I am keen on knowing what the deck supports look like and how the everything connects (supports, stem, decks, coaming). Thanks.

I acquired my Morris about twenty five years ago, and did some initial repairs before being convinced by Kathrine that I had a Morris. The boat has been in my basement shop with little work being done since then. I do have some pictures from that early work. I'll start a separate thread. I may have to scan photos. The good news is that I can enlarge those pics.


The first picture is the as-received boat. My son is now in his forties.

The deck parts were in place but fairly loose. You can see where the tails of the deck sit on the wales with the coaming ending a little farther into the boat. That spot is somewhat vulnerable, and may be the reason that your cutaway may have been added.

The second picture, with the aft deck removed shows the relationship of the end of the coaming with respect to that little broken piece of the deck tail.


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Thanks for the pics. As soon as I'm done restoring my vintage 14" Sprunger Bandsaw, 6" Walker Turner jointer, and 12" Shopsmith planer...I will have all my tools ready for the Morris woodwork. I've also acquired 100 board ft of Northern White Cedar, the mahogany I'm still searching for. I'm ready to get going on the Morris restorations.