Morris/Kennebec Hybrid?

Have you ever seen a BN Morris with short rail caps (ala Kennebec)?

Yes, Morris, Carleton, and others are known for having built canoes with short rail caps on occasion. This clearly looks like a Morris to me.

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What Benson said. Morris open- gunwale canoes had the short rail caps. See for example the attached catalog page from the 1919 catalog.

Morris 1919 p18.jpg
I don't believe the Morris-Kennebec canoe had a number tag as the Morris canoes had.
They did have a oval plate that ID'd the boat as a Morris canoe but built in it Waterville Me., located on the foot of the inside stem.
True, Rollin. I restored a Morris/Kennebec some years ago. It had the Kennebec tag on it.
What threw me on this one was the short rail caps. I guess I’ve never seen a Morris with caps, or never noticed. Morris canoes that I’ve restored were all closed gunwale.
I've got several in the barn now with the short rail caps just like in the ad and in the catalog. Another open-gunwale Morris in the barn has longer mahogany panel decks, so it does not have the caps. Each of these styles (and plenty of closed gunwales) can be found by searching the forums.

The photos below are #13731 and 15597, the first with curved deck cutout and the second with heart-shaped decks. Sorry they aren't better images.

Kathy posted a great image of Morris caps here: