François Rothan Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes Apr 9, 2010 #1 Two malecite chip carved paddles I've made recently, one is in cedar the other in sugar maple, They display traditional double curved patterns . Length: 6 feet Attachments panier 009.jpg 97.1 KB · Views: 724 panier 007.jpg 106.9 KB · Views: 720 pagaie 010.jpg 164.1 KB · Views: 720
Two malecite chip carved paddles I've made recently, one is in cedar the other in sugar maple, They display traditional double curved patterns . Length: 6 feet
Rob Stevens Wooden Canoes are in the Blood Apr 9, 2010 #3 Wow! I appreciate how difficult it is to get such clean pattern in hard maple.
beaver Birchbark CanoeingBuilder Apr 9, 2010 #4 Very Nice Francois Those paddles are some long ones eh?
OP OP François Rothan Enthusiastic about Wooden Canoes Apr 9, 2010 #6 Thank you for the good words, actually the paddles are 5' 4'', sorry for the error... This is another paddle I made last year Attachments paddle+basket 001.jpg 475.8 KB · Views: 597
Thank you for the good words, actually the paddles are 5' 4'', sorry for the error... This is another paddle I made last year
Douglas Ingram Red River Canoe & Paddle Apr 16, 2010 #8 Nice work. Quick question. With all the carving, are these working or presentation paddles? Is there any finish?
Nice work. Quick question. With all the carving, are these working or presentation paddles? Is there any finish?