Lots of Wood on the Concord River


Wooden Canoes are in the Blood
In Memoriam
There was a great deal of wood on the Concord River yesterday. My son has graduated to his Grandmother's Shorty Trapper, so I guess that is 3-G's (generations) in that canoe. Daughter still likes to float with mom in a kayak. Best find another canoe to nip that tendency in the bud.;) I served as chase boat in the Bobs Special.

Andre - see what you can do about turning off the smoke. We can see and smell the Quebec wildfires from here.



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Concord River


Nice , quality time spent with the family!! Maria's kayak sure looks good on the water, bet she loves it. You did a nice job on it.

I was trying to place where you were along the river from the views but could not be sure. It has just been too many years since I retired as Manager of the National wildlife refuge that you were paddling thru. Shot of Brendan looks like it might be along what we called the Sam Hoar unit, where the two impoundments and dikes are about a mile downstream from the historic Concord bridge.

Great pictures, buy ya know that trapper looks small even with your son in it, even though it looks like a perfect fit. The fact that it has 2 seats in it seems even more of a joke now! Bring it to assembly, it can generate income. We can charge $5 a try for 2 adults to paddle it out, sharp turn around a marker and race back. Prize goes to the two that stay dry the longest.

Hi Ed:

We didn't venture far yesterday due to other things going on, but we were messing about mostly from the Egg Rock down beneath Old North Bridge to the recently renovated Monument Street Bridge.

Andre - that would be a fun contest for sure! For others that haven't had the distinct pleasure of paddling this canoe, it is a Peterborough Shorty Trapper, with a 75th anniversary decal. It is about 11+ feet long.
11 foota

WOW, Fitzy...............three generations....................doesn't that say it all !

Look forward to spending some time with you at this Assembly. Dave
Looks like fun, Fitz. We had 3 generations in the same boat last spring at the same time! - We haven't owned that boat long enough for it to be owned by three generations of the family 'tho.

Around here now, you need to watch out for wood in the water - it's probably floating debris and snags from last week's windstorms!
Greetings all;
New to site and hoping for some info
Great pictures...am considering buying a 12 foot peterborough trapper...looks very similar to the one that the young fellow was riding in...wondered about:
1) the overall weight of the boat...
2) tracking and paddling characteristics
3) suitable for lightweight solo tripping?
...have three canoes (kevlar, ceader glass, and cedar stripper...have always wanted a cedar canvas boat but weight has been an issue

Tld the canvas is in excellent condition on this little one and am hoping to visit to have a look see tomorrow
Peterborough Shorty Trapper


That is my Peterborough in the photos.

I'm guessing the weight is about 55 pounds. Maybe a bit less (50 lbs?). I think I have No. 12 canvas on it.

It tracks and paddles very nicely. Son Brendan has no trouble with it. It is however a tender boat. It has two seats, but two adults cannot sit on the seats and paddle. It will likely tip. I weigh about 190 lbs and the only way I can paddle it is kneeling in the middle and heeled over, like Brendan is doing. If you don't mind kneeling you could use it solo on day trips, which I do, but an extended trip will take a toll on your knees.

I like it for messing about in tight streams and small bodies of water where a larger canoe is a problem. I think a 15 or 16 footer would make a better solo tripper.

Are you going to Assembly? I was considering bringing it and you could try it out.

Hi fitz;
Thanks for your reply...am in Southern Ontario so likely won't be attending assembly...thanks for the offer though...a fellow up here has a trapper listed in the 1000 range...have a 16 foot kevlar for portaging and 15 foot cedar glass that we use for day trips, and am currently finishing patching a 15 foot stripper boat that has seen better days for portaging as well...thought it might be nice to own a piece of history and still have it for messing around...saw on one of the peterborough websites that they made a lightweight version but don't know if it is it...serial number is C12048..thinking it might be a chestnut but it has the trapper shorty measurements...
Your thoughts.

Yes the "C" in your serial number suggests a later Chestnut. They had trapper models too. Folks here could probably nail the model down with some dimensions, trim details and photos.

My canoe has the model number "1446" included in the serial no. and is a 1957 vintage Peterborough.