Looking for the correct type of Old Town Canoe


New Member
I recently bought a used canoe in the Netherlands, an Old Town , serial no: XTC04892D292
supposedly a Northern Light 15.

Can anybody confirm or give feedback please,
Welcome and congratulations, it is my sad duty to report that the scanned Old Town records stop just over 250,000 in 1984 so no one here can provide more detailed information for your Northern Light model with serial number 404892. The last two digits of the hull identification number you provided indicate that it was probably built in 1992. The information at http://www.usps.org/national/safety/HIN/HIN.pdf may help you interpret this number. The 1992 catalog page describing this model is attached below. There isn't much more information available. Let me know if you have any other questions,


Thank you for your reply. I spot a difference between the canoe in the leaflet and mine, the rear seat hanger on mine is at the same spot as the rear thwart.
It, nevertheless, is a joy to paddle and my first choice on a dry day... (you might notice some breakfast leftover as well.

greetings, Filip-Hendrik
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