Pernicious Atavist
Canoe Sailing Publisher
Much to my embarrassment,
I forgot the name of the fellow who built my canoe.
He was old when he built it in '93. Owned a couple of White strongbacks, a 14' & 16' and had been building since WWII. He did it more as a paying hobby than a job.
All I have is, well, the boat, of course, and a couple pics of my boat on the truck in front of his house.
Does he ring a bell?

He was old when he built it in '93. Owned a couple of White strongbacks, a 14' & 16' and had been building since WWII. He did it more as a paying hobby than a job.
All I have is, well, the boat, of course, and a couple pics of my boat on the truck in front of his house.
Does he ring a bell?